Bitcoin USD Exchange Rates Versus Major Market ETFs

During my early years as a developer, I encountered an executive who would often shout “developers, developers, developers…” at the beginning of his conference presentations until he turned red in the face or ran out of breath.  He retired as a very rich person.  This experience motivates me to write “bitcoins, bitcoins, bitcoins…” because the post is meant to move data analysts along the path to enjoying a rich, fulfilling, and early retirement via bitcoin investing.

The BTC-USD ticker at the Yahoo Finance site tracks the price of a bitcoin in US dollars.  The website describes bitcoins as a new kind of money (store of value) on its home page; bitcoins exist on the internet in a blockchain network. The network enables bitcoin miners to track bitcoin ownership between those owning bitcoins and those accepting bitcoins in exchange for goods and/or services.  Bitcoin miners are rewarded with new bitcoins for each new block of exchanged bitcoins they discover as well as a transaction fee for bitcoins they verify as valid bitcoins in a block on the blockchain.  Happily, you do not need to know the mechanics of the bitcoin blockchain to benefit financially from bitcoins.  Nevertheless, those of you who want to gain an introductory understanding of the underlying blockchain technology for bitcoins may find it beneficial to get started with a free video series from the Khan Academy.

This post focuses on the bitcoin exchange rate in US dollars and how this exchange rate compares in growth to a couple of ETFs for major market indexes.  By performing these analyses, the post indicates if bitcoins can grow value faster than a collection of stocks.

As you read this post, you may find it useful to refer to three prior posts.  Bitcoin-related Ticker Performance in 2023 Year and in December 2023 presents an introduction to price tracking for bitcoin-related securities.  How to Compare Close Prices for Three Securities Over Four Years illustrates an approach to using compound annual growth rates for comparing different securities.  How to Download and Display Historical Price and Volume Data demonstrates three approaches for transferring historical securities data, such as for the BTC-USD ticker, from Yahoo Finance to your computer.  One of these approaches is utilized in this post.

Comparing BTC-USD to major market tickers

This post begins by collecting BTC-USD ticker price data and comparing them to prices for subsets of the S&P 500 index and the NASDAQ market.  The QQQ is a widely used ETF for tracking the top 100 securities  traded on the NASDAQ market.  The OEF is a comparable ETF for tracking the top 100 securities in the S&P 500 index.  By comparing the returns from the BTC-USD versus the OEF and QQQ, this posts reflects the growth of bitcoin prices relative to the prices for a couple of different baskets of leading stock prices.

This post section demonstrates how to collect data for comparing BTC-USD prices to OEF and QQQ share prices.  The next section of this post shows how to compute growth rates for BTC-USD prices versus OEF and QQQ share prices.

As referenced above, you can download historical securities data from Yahoo Finance.  When you do this, the website sends a csv file to the download folder on your computer.  If you need assistance with how to invoke this Yahoo Finance capability, view the post titled  How to Download and Display Historical Price and Volume Data.  Depending on your preferences, you can process the data from the download folder or you can copy the data to a new location on your workstation for easy future reference.  For this post, the downloaded csv files were moved to the path named 'C:\SecurityTradingAnalytics\Bitcoin_Tickers_as_of_022924\’.  One csv file each was downloaded from Yahoo Finance for each of the three tickers tracked in this post.

The following T-SQL script illustrates one approach to inserting BTC-USD, OEF, and QQQ historical prices into the [dbo].[symbol_date] table within the SecurityTradingAnalytics database.  This database was created to serve as a data repository for demonstrating T-SQL code to facilitate demonstrations of trading security analytics.

  • The script begins by creating two tables – PriceAndVolumeDataFromYahooFinance and symbol_date.  Both tables reside in the dbo schema of the SecurityTradingAnalytics database.
  • For each ticker’s csv file, the script successively copies with a bulk insert statement the downloaded file contents to an empty version of the PriceAndVolumeDataFromYahooFinance table.  Next, the script adds a column designating the ticker and copies the updated results set to [dbo].[symbol_date].
  • At the end of the script, the symbol_date table contains historical data rows for all three tickers.
use SecurityTradingAnalytics

-- create a fresh version of a table to store 
-- historical data for a specific ticker

drop table if exists dbo.PriceAndVolumeDataFromYahooFinance

create table dbo.PriceAndVolumeDataFromYahooFinance (
 date date not null
,[open] decimal(18, 6) not null
,high decimal(18, 6) not null
,low decimal(18, 6) not null
,[close] decimal(18, 6) not null
,adjclose decimal(18, 6) not null
,Volume bigint not null

-- create a fresh version of a table to store 
-- historical data for a collection of tickers
-- the table has a primary key based on two columns
drop table if exists [dbo].[symbol_date]

create table [dbo].[symbol_date](
[Symbol] [nvarchar](10) NOT NULL,
[Date] [date] NOT NULL,
[Open] [decimal](19, 4) NULL,
[High] [decimal](19, 4) NULL,
[Low] [decimal](19, 4) NULL,
[Close] [decimal](19, 4) NULL,
[AdjClose] [decimal](19, 4) NULL,
[Volume] [float] NULL,
 constraint [pk_symbol_date] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED 
[Symbol] ASC,
[Date] ASC


-- bulk insert raw download for BTC-USD into dbo.PriceAndVolumeFromYahooFinance
bulk insert dbo.PriceAndVolumeDataFromYahooFinance
from 'C:\SecurityTradingAnalytics\Bitcoin_Tickers_as_of_022924\BTC-USD.csv'
    firstrow = 2,
    fieldterminator = ',',  -- CSV field delimiter
    rowterminator = '0x0a'  -- for lines ending with a lf and no cr

-- insert BTC-USD historical data from PriceAndVolumeDataFromYahooFinance table
-- into [dbo].[symbol_date]
insert into [dbo].[symbol_date]
select 'BTC-USD',* from dbo.PriceAndVolumeDataFromYahooFinance

-- echo contents of BTC-USD historical data from [dbo].[symbol_date]
-- select * from [dbo].[symbol_date] where symbol = 'BTC-USD'


-- truncate dbo.PriceAndVolumeDataFromYahooFinance 
-- and repopulate it with data for a new ticker

truncate table dbo.PriceAndVolumeDataFromYahooFinance

-- bulk insert raw download for OEF into dbo.PriceAndVolumeFromYahooFinance
bulk insert dbo.PriceAndVolumeDataFromYahooFinance
from 'C:\SecurityTradingAnalytics\Bitcoin_Tickers_as_of_022924\OEF.csv'
    firstrow = 2,
    fieldterminator = ',',  -- CSV field delimiter
    rowterminator = '0x0a'  -- for lines ending with a lf and no cr

-- insert OEF historical data from PriceAndVolumeDataFromYahooFinance table
-- into [dbo].[symbol_date]
insert into [dbo].[symbol_date]
select 'OEF',* from dbo.PriceAndVolumeDataFromYahooFinance

-- echo contents of OEF historical data from [dbo].[symbol_date]
-- select * from [dbo].[symbol_date] where symbol = 'OEF'


-- truncate dbo.PriceAndVolumeDataFromYahooFinance 
-- and repopulate with data for a new ticker

truncate table dbo.PriceAndVolumeDataFromYahooFinance

-- bulk insert raw download for QQQ into dbo.PriceAndVolumeFromYahooFinance
bulk insert dbo.PriceAndVolumeDataFromYahooFinance
from 'C:\SecurityTradingAnalytics\Bitcoin_Tickers_as_of_022924\QQQ.csv'
    firstrow = 2,
    fieldterminator = ',',  --CSV field delimiter
    rowterminator = '0x0a'  -- for lines ending with a lf and no cr

-- insert QQQ historical data from PriceAndVolumeDataFromYahooFinance table
insert into [dbo].[symbol_date]
select 'QQQ',* from dbo.PriceAndVolumeDataFromYahooFinance

-- echo contents of QQQ historical data from [dbo].[symbol_date]
-- select * from [dbo].[symbol_date] where symbol = 'QQQ'

The following two screenshots show the first and last five rows from the symbol_date table after the preceding script concludes.

·         The top screenshot shows five rows of data for the beginning five dates for the BTC-USD ticker.  Notice the initial date is 2014-09-17. 

·         The bottom screenshot displays five rows of data for the final five dates for the QQQ ticker.  The last date for which data are collected for this post is 2024-02-29.

·         Between the data for the BTC-USD and QQQ tickers in the symbol_date table are comparable data for the OEF ticker.


The distinction between Yahoo Finance close and adjclose column values is not straightforward, but the text in this paragraph and other content in this post may highlight the most important differences between close and adjclose column values and the significance of the differences.  According to multiple pages at the site (page1, page2, and page3), the close column values and adjclose column values are both adjusted for stock splits.  On the other hand, the adjclose column values are adjusted for both stock splits and dividends.  For assessing long-run returns, such as between 2014-09-17 through 2024-02-29, it is best to use adjclose column values.

  • Close values are good for reflecting the actual close price at the end of a trading day.
  • Adjclose values reflect dividends, which are usually distributed quarterly by a company; some securities issue dividends on a monthly, weekly, or ad hoc interval.  Over an extended period, dividends can add up and materially affect the total return value of an investment in a security.  Selected other corporate actions that can impact adjclose column values are mergers, spin-offs, and share buybacks.

There is another issue to consider when comparing growth between BTC-USD versus either OEF or QQQ.  Namely, BTC-USD prices (from both close and adjclose column values) do not reflect splits and dividends because there are none for bitcoin exchange rates.  Bitcoin is not a company that takes corporate actions to split shares or issue dividends.  On the other hand, individual members of the basket of securities tracked by either OEF or QQQ tickers do sometimes split their shares or issue dividends.  Additionally, rapidly growing companies sometimes may split the total volume of share, which decreases the price per share.

Security price adjustments are important especially when comparing long-run returns for different securities.  Long-run security returns are sometimes assessed via compound annual growth rates.  Recall that a prior post includes coverage of how to compute compound annual growth rates with  Excel.  The current post expands and extends the prior post by performing the calculations in T-SQL for the tables in a SQL Server database – namely, the SecurityTradingAnalytics database.

Computing Compound Annual Growth Rates Based on Close and Adjclose Values

The following T-SQL script shows code for computing compound annual growth rates for each of three tickers for which data was collected in the preceding section. The compound annual growth rate depends on the two different types of close values for each ticker (close column values and adjclose column values).  As indicated in the preceding section, the preferred approach is to adjclose values instead of the close values when performing fundamental analysis and/or a security’s value over an extended period of time.

The compound annual growth rate depends on two key terms:

  • The end_adjclose  value divided by the begin_adjclose and;
  • The inverse of the fractional number of years from the begin_date through the end_date.
  • The fractional number of trading years is computed slightly differently for the BTC-USD ticker versus the other two tickers (OEF and QQQ) because the number of trading days in a year is different for the two types of tickers.
    • The fractional number of years for the BTC-USD is the fractional number of trading days from 2014-09-17 through 2024-02-29 divided by 365.25.  Additionally, there is one trading day for each day in a calendar year.  Bitcoins can be exchanged 24 hours per day and seven days per week for each calendar day in a year.
    • For the OEF and QQQ tickers the fractional number of years is the fractional number of trading days from 2014-09-17 through 2024-02-29 divided 252, which Wikipedia specifies as the average number of trading days for exchange traded securities in a calendar year.
  • The following script returns the cagr value in percentage points with up to two places after the decimal point.
  • The script below operates on adjclose values for each ticker.
  • The results set from the tip includes three rows – one for each ticker.

-- compute cagr for historical begin_adjclose and end_adjclose
-- from 2014-09-17 through 2024-02-29
-- begin_close and end_close values are from adjclose column values

use SecurityTradingAnalytics

 begin_closes.symbol symbol
,begin_closes.[date] begin_date
,end_closes.[date] end_date
,[for fractional trading years].[fractional trading years]
,end_closes.end_adjclose/begin_closes.begin_adjclose [end_close/begin_close]
   1/[for fractional trading years].[fractional trading years]) - 1) *100,2) [cagr]
-- beginning historical data by ticker
select symbol, date, [close] [begin_close], adjclose [begin_adjclose]
from [dbo].[symbol_date] 
where [date] = '2014-09-17'
) begin_closes


-- ending historical data by ticker
select symbol, date, [close] [end_close], adjclose [end_adjclose]
from [dbo].[symbol_date] 
where [date] = '2024-02-29'
) end_closes

on begin_closes.symbol = end_closes.symbol


-- compute fractional trading years
,[total trading days]
  when symbol = 'BTC-USD' THEN cast([total trading days] as float)/365.25
  else cast([total trading days] as float)/252
 end [fractional trading years]
-- count total trading days per ticker
,count(*) [total trading days]
from [dbo].[symbol_date] 
group by Symbol
) [for total trading days]
) [for fractional trading years]

on begin_closes.symbol = [for fractional trading years].symbol

As a point of reference, the following script computes the compound annual growth rate based on close values, instead of adjclose values.  When working with an extended range of dates, such as 2014-09-17 through 2024-02-29, it is usually preferable to compute cagr values based on adjclose values.  Recall that this is because adjclose values adjust for dividends and other corporate actions that can impact adjclose values, but close values from Yahoo Finance are only adjusted for stock splits.  Furthermore, the longer the duration from beginning through end dates, the greater the difference in compound annual growth rates will be between those computed on close values versus adjclose values.

-- compute cagr for historical begin_close and end_close
-- from 2014-09-17 through 2024-02-29
-- begin_close and end_close values are from close column values
use SecurityTradingAnalytics
 begin_closes.symbol symbol
,begin_closes.[date] begin_date
,end_closes.[date] end_date
,[for fractional trading years].[fractional trading years]
,end_closes.end_close/begin_closes.begin_close [end_close/begin_close]
   1/[for fractional trading years].[fractional trading years]) - 1) *100,2) [cagr]
-- begining historical data by ticker
select symbol, date, [close] [begin_close], adjclose [begin_adjclose]
from [dbo].[symbol_date] 
where [date] = '2014-09-17'
) begin_closes
-- ending historical data by ticker
select symbol, date, [close] [end_close], adjclose [end_adjclose]
from [dbo].[symbol_date] 
where [date] = '2024-02-29'
) end_closes
on begin_closes.symbol = end_closes.symbol
-- compute fractional trading years
,[total trading days]
  when symbol = 'BTC-USD' THEN cast([total trading days] as float)/365.25
  else cast([total trading days] as float)/252
 end [fractional trading years]
-- count total trading days per ticker
,count(*) [total trading days]
from [dbo].[symbol_date] 
group by Symbol
) [for total trading days]
) [for fractional trading years]
on begin_closes.symbol = [for fractional trading years].symbol

 The following screenshot shows the results set from the script using adjclose values above the results set from the script using close values to compute cagr. 

Focusing on the top results set, it is clear that BTC-USD exchange rates grow from slightly less than 4 times to slightly more than 5 times corresponding OEF and QQQ ticker stock prices.

The compound growth rates computed with the close values also show that compound annual growth rate for the BTC-USD ticker vastly exceeds that for the other two tickers.  However, the differences are even larger for cagr value computed based on close values than for cagr values computed on adjclose value.  This is because adjclose values include dividend values that are missing from close values.

The fractional trading years for the BTC-USD ticker are marginally less than for the other two tickers.  All three tickers have the same  begin and end dates, but the BTC-USD ticker has more trading days and a different divisor to convert trading days to trading years.  This is because bitcoins can trade 24 hours  per day on 7 days per week throughout a calendar year.  In contrast, shares for ticker symbols traded in stock exchanges only trade during hours and days when exchanges are open.

Closing Points

Thanks for reading this post through to the end.  You likely noticed that the post confirms that bitcoin prices grow dramatically faster on average than baskets of leading securities from the S&P 500 index or the NASDAQ market.  This post does not say anything about how to invest in bitcoins to participate in the exceedingly rapid growth rates from bitcoins relative to leading stock securities.

A prior post indicates some of the ways that you can participate in bitcoin investing.  Future posts will dive more deeply into how you can invest in bitcoins either directly or indirectly.

When considering investments in bitcoins, you should be aware that compound average growth rates do not fully reflect the risks associated with this asset class.  Future posts will also offer at least an introductory level of treatment of these risks.  However, despite the well-known risks of bitcoin investing, this post confirms that bitcoin can appreciate in price over an extended period much more rapidly than leading securities from the S&P 500 index or the NASDAQ market.  By learning more about the risks and the rewards for different kinds of investments, such as bitcoins, stocks, bonds, and commodities, you can assess which asset classes in which proportions are best for your objectives.

If you would like the files referenced in this tip, please send a request to  I will reply with the files used to create this blog back to your email address.

If you would like additional specific coverage of bitcoin technical and investment topics, please send a request to  I will reply with future posts that cover those topics to the best of my ability.


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